Saturday, October 27, 2007

Recent updates - Long!

So let me catch you up on Thistle - the baby bunny.
Here is an updated picture although he/she has grown quite a bit since these were taken.

Then, as I mentioned in the previous post we went to San Francisco to run a marathon.
Here are some photos with explanations on top.
This photo is me outside our hotel. We are getting ready to go spend the day being a tourist.

Here is the tent where we picked up our running packets

Bryan and I on the Fisherman's Wharf

Street Performers: Bboys

Final preparations going on Saturday night

The shoes that will run the marathon - you can see the timing chip attached to one of our shoes.

The Tiffany Box we got when we crossed the finish line - we each got one
Me and Bryan in my Mom's front yard showing off our 'Finisher' shirts that we got at the finish line


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had an amazing time, but I'm dying to know what you got in the Tiffany box?! ;)

April said...

I'm soooo proud of you for completing the marathon!!! I'm a little jealous too ;) You look really good! Congratulations!!!