Saturday, September 15, 2007

A little down time . . . yeah right

We are always so busy. I keep meaning to post on this blog and add photos but of course the photos are all on the computer downstairs. But now my ever-so-talented hubby has made my laptop and his computer a network, so I can access all of the photos on this computer.

Is it really that hard to walk downstairs and use his computer?, you ask? The answer is no, but this one is so much more convenient. I can work on several things at one time while I wait for things to load on different websites - and all my stuff is now accumulating on this computer. If Bryan ever needs a laptop for his job again I'm sunk. :)

I will post pics of our new bunnies soon. Dandelion and Fiver are so cute. Bryan is finishing up their deluxe hutch as I type.

Here are some pics of the girls. I am going to use these pictures on a scrapbook page called "Hobo Princesses"

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