What a day! Halloween day that is . . . I had to go in to work to help my mom fix up her house and then came home to get the girls and dogs ready to go trick-or-treating:

Zoe was a water fairy and Tobi was "Jessie" from Toy Story

Brownie used Jas's bumble bee costume (that Jas hates wearing) and of course Belle was the queen. I got Jas a t-shirt to wear instead of a costume. Unfortunately we couldn't keep Brownie in her collar so we ended up having to leave the pup-pups at home.

I told Bryan that Zac wanted to trick-or-treat (and I was right) so we put Zac in Bryan's old army jacket :) They all had a great time.
Then we all came back to our block and our neighbors had a party for us!