Facebook has just about ruined this blog for me . . . it's so easy to post one or two things a day there . . although I am finding that I do not care so much for posting anything at all. I do not mind putting the info out there but I do not like it being used against me. I feel like it is an online cell phone and that you are expected to be reachable 24/7 and I just do not live my life like that. I do not usually keep my phone or my computer on or with me during the weekends and my evenings are mine for me and my family . . .
I don't know . . . I am going re-evaluate the whole Facebook and blog issue over the coming weeks and I will either continue with one or the other or neither. Definitely one is going away . . .
Here are some recent updates on our family:
I am lamenting that I have been so stressed that we have almost stopped taking pictures. These past 6 months are gone, never to return, and I have very few pictures to help with my memory - this is definitely going to change.
Here is the girls doing various homework during the spring - should I worry about Zoe's study habits?
Tobi during her spring soccer season - what a rockstar - running in sunglasses - she's ready for the pros!
And my little girlie girl sitting under the umbrella watching the game
Tobi on her field trip that almost didn't happen because of the swine flu pandemic
Zoe's dino parade - she was (are you ready for this?) Hannah Montana Pterodactyl
Bryan's 40th Birthday Party at McAllister Park - lots of fun! Unfortunately I think he was on camera detail and we didn't get one of him . . . really tami? really? bad tami . . .
an afternoon swimming at my mom's house
a new dog - belle and jas are not too sure about Brownie but she is so cute!
Memorial Day fishing trip with dad and friends / I was scrapbooking
Tobi singing in church
Zoe's dance recital - look at that arabesque!
Tobi with her Kinder teacher at Kinder graduation
So I guess this brings us up to speed!
. . . . for now . . . .
. . . . until I get back in to the habit of taking pictures . . . .
if Easter or anything else happened this year, like Tobi's birthday I have no idea where those photos are . . . very sad . . . .