And here is where our story begins:
I was in the office; however, it wasn't working as an office because the computer in that room was broken so we were using the laptop in our scrapbook room and the "office" had become a "please don't look in there room". In other words it became the forbidden room of no return. We didn't use the room except to throw stuff in when we needed to get it out of our way.
And on my way back upstairs . . . I had a lightbulb moment!!!! Why don't we move the craft room down there? Then we can make our current craft room into my workout room. See Bryan has a gym membership and I don't because we canceled mine and the girls in an effort to save money. (Bryan makes all of the money and doesn't spend much money and the gym is one of his special things that he loves so we didn't cancel his membership.) I still love to work out, but currently it's too much of a pain in the butt because I don't really have space.
So as I'm heading upstairs I tell Bryan I have an idea. He is NOT pleased!!! He hates when I get ideas. :) But I tell him my idea and he finally relents and says ok - after much pleading. So I start taking stuff downstairs and he starts clearing out the black hole that used to be our office.
Then I think (and here is where Bryan gets really bristley) I say "as long as we are clearing this room out, I should go ahead and paint it. So 8:30pm Saturday night I go and get a gallon of paint from Home Depot, go home, and paint the room.
BEFORE: Upstairs "Game Room" aka - Craft room; painted Ralph Lauren "Evocative Sunlight"
My table is on the right
Bryan's is on the left next to the fridge

These are my shelves with all of my supplies and stamps
AFTER: Downstairs "Office" aka New Craft Room; painted Ralph Lauren Lincolnshire Olive - which matches our velvet curtains I bought years ago from Pottery Barn.
Bryan is on the right after you walk in the doors; Tobi's homework/craft table is next to his desk
I am on the left and Zoe's craft table is next to mine
Here is the view from outside the doors
Here is an angle of my side from outside the room
Here are my new shelves - which are longer and there is one more than upstairs!!!!
Here is the table to the right of me
I keep my 12x12 paper and Papertrey Ink supplies here and all of my inkpads
Here is the view of where I will work - you can see the two layouts I am working on right now
The left side of this table holds my cricut expression (you'll see it in the next picture)
Here is where you can see Zoe's little craft table.
Here is Tobi's homework/craft table (next to B's desk)
You also get a view of the curtains and the paint color together
It's very pretty and I cannot wait to add a few design elements to the room!!!
I'll post pictures of the "new" exercise room once I get it put together.
I should be getting my new DVD workouts from Cathe ( in the next few weeks so this "move" is perfect timing.